Saturday, October 07, 2006

Ok, ok, going to reveal my geekiness...

Just a silly post today about worlds colliding. Those of you who know me will remember that Steve turned me into a MMORPG playing geek after we met. Well, I was sooo surpised and relieved to find that the World of Warcraft and the World of Scrapbooking are not mutually exclusive!! I am one person who has participated in both of these very unrelated activities. However for the longest time I thought I must be the only person that would like these two very different things. I mean sometimes in WoW people would be shocked that I was female in real life...yet in scrapbooking it's very hard to find a man anywhere.

But recently while reading one of my scrapping mags, I came to a dead stop on a layout and just stared. I mean, the design of the layout was really great, but what caught my eye was that this person, who was a CK Hall of Fame winner and contributing editor to the magazine--this person, who was an amazing scrapper, was also...a face-melting troll priest! I had to run and show Steve that I was in fact NOT the only one if the world who embraced both monster slaying AND preserving memories! I was so excited...really!

Anyway, all this came to mind due to that scrapper's recent blog entry, and the timing was just funny because Friday night I laughed soo hard at South Park's spoof on World of Warcraft...

So now you all know...I am a MMORPG fan...and I love to scrapbook.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:29 PM

    I hear you girl!! I'm the same!
